P2P technology is much more than a technology. When we talk about P2P we are talking about sharing videos, music, games, documents, etc... all the power of internet and broadband at the service of the user.
Tribler is a research project of the Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science faculty of the Delft University of Technology
and the Computer Science department of the Vrije Universiteit that uses that P2P technology to offer you an intuitive way to search, find, download and share any multimedia file or document. Access movies, music, pictures, e-books and whatever you can imagine.
Preview what you are downloading, add contacts to your friends list, see what they like, you can browse through different categories as video, audio, pictures, etc. You can also see what is most popular and what is made available recently.
Download Tribler and try a new way of P2P.
The most important thing about this program is that it is not centralized like other P2P networks; the clients themselves propagate the content indexes. Therefore, it is impossible to block or shut it...See more
I recommend Tribler for its appearance and utility in watching YouTube videos. It's very, very good!